Fond du Lac County Court Cases (Wisconsin)

Fond du Lac County Courts are judicial bodies that operate at the federal, state, and local level to resolve legal disputes, including both criminal and civil charges in Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin. Courts also create and preserve records about the cases they hear. Many types of courts, including criminal, civil, family, and traffic courts, provide online access to Fond du Lac County court case records. These public records may provide information about the defendant and plaintiffs in a case, the charges brought against an individual, the outcome of a trial, any sentences, court decrees, or probation orders, and more. Fond du Lac County Court records also have records on divorces, probate for wills and estates, lawsuits filed against businesses, and complaints about sexual harassment or discrimination in Fond du Lac County. Court databases often allow the public to search Fond du Lac County court cases by the names of people involved.

Fond du Lac County Circuit Court Fond du Lac WI 160 South Macy Street 54935 920-929-3038 Suggest Edit

Fond du Lac County Police Departments protect the community by stopping crimes and performing investigations in Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin. As part of their law enforcement responsibilities, Fond du Lac County Police Departments maintain court case records for any cases in which the police were involved. This can include records on criminal prosecutions for misdemeanors and felonies, police records introduced during the Fond du Lac County court case, details about the police investigation, and any convictions or sentences. These court cases contain important information about an individual's criminal history, making them a key part of performing a Fond du Lac County background check. These records also list whether an individual is on the Wisconsin sex offender registry. Fond du Lac County court case records can be accessed directly from the Police Department, and some departments provide online request forms.

Brandon-Fairwater Police Department Brandon WI 115 North Center Street 53919 920-346-5555 Suggest Edit

Campbellsport Police Department Campbellsport WI 177 East Main Street 53010 920-533-5391 Suggest Edit

Fond Du Lac Police Department Fond du Lac WI 126 North Main Street 54935 920-322-3700 Suggest Edit

North Fond Du Lac Police Department North Fond du Lac WI 16 Garfield Street 54937 920-929-3760 Suggest Edit

Oakfield Police Department Oakfield WI 105 West White Street 53065 920-517-1570 Suggest Edit

Ripon Police Department Ripon WI 100 East Jackson Street 54971 920-748-5243 Suggest Edit

Ripon Township Police Department Ripon WI N8191 Douglas Street 54971 920-748-2910 Suggest Edit

Rosendale Police Department Rosendale WI 208 North Main Street 54974 920-872-5050 Suggest Edit

Rosendale Police Department Rosendale WI 211 North Grant Street 54974 920-872-5050 Suggest Edit

Waupun Police Department Waupun WI 16 East Main Street 53963 920-324-7903 Suggest Edit

Wisconsin State Patrol Fond Du Lac Post Fond du Lac WI 851 South Rolling Meadows Drive 54937 920-929-3700 Suggest Edit

Fond du Lac County District Attorneys prosecute cases on behalf of the public in Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin. This can include both criminal and civil cases. The Fond du Lac County DA's Office maintains public records on ongoing cases as well as prior cases. These records include prosecutions for criminal felonies and misdemeanors such as assault, homicide, battery, and robbery, as well as civil cases against businesses or individuals who have violated the law. A Fond du Lac County court record search can identify litigants in a case and determine if an individual has any criminal convictions, making it an important part of a Fond du Lac County background check. District Attorneys may provide searchable databases of Fond du Lac County court cases on their websites.

Fond Du Lac County District Attorney Fond du Lac WI 160 South Macy Street 54935 920-929-7134 Suggest Edit

Fond du Lac County Sheriff's Departments help maintain safety and order by stopping crimes and conducting investigations in Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin. As part of their role in law enforcement, the Fond du Lac County Sheriff maintains court case records for cases in which their office was involved. This can include records on criminal prosecutions for misdemeanors and felonies, investigation records introduced during the court case, and the outcome of a trial, including convictions, sentences, and incarcerations. These Fond du Lac County court cases contain important information about an individual's criminal history, and checking court cases is an important step in conducting a thorough Fond du Lac County background check. Sheriff's Departments may provide online access to their court records.

Fond Du Lac County Sheriffs Department Fond du Lac WI 180 South Macy Street 54935 920-929-3372 Suggest Edit